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General Infomation

MAFD was established in 1973. The team's purpose is to offer swimmers in the Blount County area the opportunity to develop and enhance their own swimming ability, learn the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, and enable them to participate in a sport they love.

The Maryville-Alcoa Flying Dolphins swim team is an active member of GKAISA (Greater Knoxville Area Interclub Swimming Association) and works in cooperation with Maryville-Alcoa-Blount County Parks & Recreation. We are a summer club team with swimmers ranging from 6 to 18 years of age. Our home swim meets are held at Springbrook Pool. We also offer pre-season workouts for both new and returning swimmers.

We offer a variety of practices for your swimmer every week. Attending every practice is not mandatory. However, please keep in mind the more practices you attend, the better your swimmer will become. Also, the coaches will become more familiar with your swimmer, along with his/her strengths in the water.

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